Tamil star Surya’s latest release ‘Singam’ which is being dubbed in Telugu with the title ‘Yamudu’ is all set to release in the month of June. The Tamil version was released on May 28 and remained as big hit. It had made the highest business of Rs. 85 crores. The film is directed by Hari and glamorous actress Anushka plays the female lead opposite Surya. It is produced by K.E.Gnanavel Raja under Studio Green.
The film will be a typical mass masala entertainer with all essential ingredients that attracts both mass and class audiences. Surya plays Dorai Singam, a dirty cop role in the film. Sun Pictures has acquired the release rights of the film.
A R Reddy presents Rs 1,28,542 crore Budget
Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Aanam Ramanarayana Reddy today unveiled a
Rs 1,28,542 crore Budget for the 2011—12 financial year, projecting a
fiscal def...