Young rebalstar Prabhas will now be seen with Bollywood sizzler Kangana Ranaut in a Puri Jagannadh movie Ek Niranjan. The Prabhas-Puri Jagannadh duo is coming together after the huge success of Bujjigadu. Bollywood hot beauty Kangana Ranaut is making her debut in Tollywood with this film.
A major part of the movie will be shot in Switzerland and Bangkok. Apart from this, A huge set costing Rs 3 Cr was erected in 8 acres open space at road No. 25, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Aditya Ram is producing the film under Aditya Ram Movies banner.
Renowned choreographer Raju Sundaram has canned a very romantic number on the lead pair which is sure to be a success. Sonu Sood, Mukul Dev, Makarand Despande, Brahamanandam, Sunil,Venu Madhav and others form a part of the talented cast. Shyam K Naidu handles the camera while Manisharma scores the music. Editing is by MR Varma, art by Chinna, while story, screenplay, dialogues, direction and presention is by Puri Jagannadh.
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